FREE Pelvic Floor Guide

for Pre & Postnatal Moms

Growing up, I thought that strengthening my pelvic floor meant doing a ton of Kegels at stoplights. I didn't know if I was doing them correctly and I certainly didn't know that I could overdo them. 


**Disclaimer‼️ Strengthening your pelvic floor is not about doing a billion Kegels 🙅‍♀️ It's no wonder that adult diapers is a $15 billion industry!


I know that I am not alone and that if you are reading this, you too may have heard vague or incorrect information about your pelvic floor. Myths like you need to do lots of Kegels to prepare for birth or that a c-section does not affect your pelvic floor. 


Or maybe you haven't given this area of your body much thought until you were pregnant or started to experience leaking. 


My hope is that this guide changes that.


I want every mom to have a baseline knowledge about how her pelvic floor muscles work and how to support them before, during and after pregnancy.

In this guide we will cover:

  • How these muscles work and their importance with the rest of your body 
  • What Kegels are and where you should feel them
  • The relationship between your breath and pelvic floor
  • What Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Diastasis Recti are and ways to prevent or heal symptoms.
  • Strategies to stop leaking
  • How to prepare your Pelvic Floor for birth and recovery
  • Next Steps to take to support your journey